今週末、ラスベガスで格闘ゲーム大会「Evo 2023」が開催された。その中継を見ていたら、ブラインド・ウォリアー・スヴェンがストリートファイター6のトーナメントに出場している動画を見つけた。全盲の選手が、ゲームの音声とアクセシビリティ機能だけを使って、このレベルでプレイできることに驚きました。



The video game fighting game tournament Evo 2023 went on this weekend in Las Vegas. Watching some of the coverage I came across a video of BlindWarriorSven competing in the Street Fighter 6 tournament. It was amazing that a completely blind player is able to play at this level using only the games audio and accessability features.

Watching this video it shows the importance of making video games accessible for as many people as possible so they can enjoy this entertainment medium and art form.

If you want to learn more about BlindWarriorSven or follow him on social media, you can do so via his website.

📁 Category: Gaming

🏷 Tags: Street Fighter 6 , Capcom , Evo 2023 , FGC