







This is a project I’ve been wanting to start to share interesting news and information in the ever evolving tech world to a Japanese audience who may either not speak English or be familiar with where to get news/information on the English speaking web.

The main reason was simple, there is a delay in a lot of news and information getting to Japanese speakers online. Additionally, a lot is not covered by those services that are covering technology and the Internet.

There are no firm plans other than trying to keep this site to load as fast as possible, be mainly text, and be formatted in the style inspired from linklogs.

I do apologize that there will be some errors with the Japanese since I will be using translation services such as Google Translate and DeepL. Saying that, the English on the site will be simple and hopefully easy to understand (so for those that do speak some English can practice).

If you want to keep up to date with posts away from visiting the site, the site will have RSS and (eventually) a feed utilizing ActivityPub(EN) (either using Mastodon(EN), Calckey(EN), or Pleroma(EN) server).

I look forward to seeing where this project goes and evolves into.

📁 Category: Announcement

🏷 Tags: Announcement