
LGはこのような論争にも動じない。LGはこのような論争にも動じず、また、利用者が反発することも恐れていないようだ。しかし、2022年にLG史上最高の年間売上を記録したにもかかわらず、収益は大幅に増加しなければならない。LGはその成功の理由を “高級家電と自動車部品への強い需要 “としている。


  • The Registerのローラ・ドバースタイン



Regulators have also noticed some sharp subscription practices, especially deterrents to cancellation. The US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) recently considered stronger regulations of the business model.

LG is undeterred by such controversies. And seemingly also unworried that punters might push back. But tally-ho, revenues must significantly increase, despite 2022 pulling in LG’s highest annual revenue ever. LG attributed that success to “strong demand for premium home appliances and automotive parts.”

There’s only so many premium home appliance a company can sell, it seems, so LG is intent on trying to capitalize on that market in a different way.

  • Laura Dobberstein of The Register

LG looks to join the ranks of BMW, HP, and others adding features requiring subscriptions to increase revenues. Accounting software maker Intuit shared in 2017 that “subscription models are 217% more profitable for businesses than a one-time payment model”. Five years later, I would guess that percentage is higher in 2023.


📁 Category: Offbeat

🏷 Tags: Subscription Fatigue