




私たちは、仕事やプライベートでAIを使う初期段階にあると思う。これらのシステムは本質的には子供のようなもので、聞いた(訓練された)ことを繰り返し、発言する(生成する)ことに監督を必要とする。MicrosoftGithub(EN)が自分たちの製品をCoPilotsと呼ぶのは正しいし、研究者がアッカド語のタブレットを英語に翻訳するためにAIを使っているのも同様だ。これらのAIシステムはある意味、サウンディングボードラバーダックのデバッグのようなものだ。アイデアを出し合ったり、”誰か “に別の視点からコンテンツを見てもらったり、別のアプローチを提案してもらったりすることができる。AIからのアウトプットを単純にコピー&ペーストしろと言っているわけではなく、インスピレーションとして使ったり、別のアプローチをとったりするのだ。 年中無休で誰かがコラボレーションしてくれるようなものだ。


I recently came across this article written by Kevin Dickinson from July 2023 and had me thinking of how AI would be used in the future.

This was the part that got me thinking more about where the future of AI or AGI is headed:

The AI can provide the raw translation quickly, while the scholar can refine it with their knowledge of historic languages, cultures, and people.

The jobs that AIs and AGIs will shine the most and be utilized over the next 10 years will be in places where the computer and software have become integral parts of our lives.

Much like Excel, Photoshop, CAD software, Quickbooks, and the thousands of other software used daily in our personal and professional lives, these are tools to help perform repetative tasks or tasks that would be time consuming for a human to complete.

I think we are very much in the early stages of using AIs in our work and personal times. These systems are in essence child-like where they repeat what they have heard (been trained on) and need supervision in what they say (generate). Microsoft and Github are right in calling their products CoPilots and similarly how researchers are using AI to translate the Akkadian tablets into English. These AI systems in a way are like having a Sounding Board or rubber duck debugging. You’re able to bounce ideas, have “someone” look over your content with a different perspective, or suggest a different approach. That’s not saying that one should simply copy and paste the output from the AI, but use it as inspiration or taking a different approach. It’s like having someone around 24/7 to collaborate with.

It’ll be interesting to see how AI and AGI systems are used in the coming years, especially in the open-source space where development of tools are rapidly progressing allowing those with mid to high end PCs to run their own AIs at home.

📁 Category: Science

🏷 Tags: AI , Translation , History