この1年、AI画像生成の進歩を追っていると、オンライン・コミュニティによって非常に短いスパンで開発された驚くべきものがいくつかある。Image 2 Image (Img2Img)は、これらのツールのひとつで、最初は本当に驚かされました。とてもシンプルな方法で何かを描くことができ、プロンプトを使ってそのシンプルな絵を自分の能力をはるかに超えたものにできるのは驚きだった。

今日未明、Redditのユーザーが、Stable DiffusionとPhotoshopでのちょっとした編集を使って作成した一連の「検証」写真投稿した(EN)。個人的には、写真に写っている人物がいかにリアルであるか、そして情報が書かれた紙がいかに本物であるかに驚かされた。




If you’ve been following the progress of AI image generation the past year, there have been some amazing things that have been developed by online communities in a very short time span. Image 2 Image (Img2Img) was one of these tools that really blew me away at first. It was amazing being able to draw something in a very simple way and then using a prompt, be able to make that simple drawing into something that was way beyond my abilities.

Earlier today, a Reddit user posted (EN) a series of “verification” photos that were created using Stable Diffusion and a little bit of editing with Photoshop. Personally I was blown away by the results at how real the generated person in the photo was along with how authentic the piece of paper with the written information looked.

Upon closer inspection one would be able to tell that the images were not authentic. Items in the background have inconsistencies, such as objects merging into other objects or furniture having strange parts. Additionally, there are also inconsistencies that are usual tell tale signs of AI generated humans. Such as ears not being formed correctly or beauty marks/moles not being consistent from one image to another.

If someone not up to date with the current state of AI image generation, I can see how they could be fooled or cat-fished into thinking the person in the image sent is the person they are talking to online. There are two sides to how quickly AI generative technology is improving, on the positive it means all sorts of new tools will be made and can assist individuals with their work. On the other hand, this will be abused by people with nefarious intentions to probably swindle and scam unsuspecting individuals.

When I was growing up using the internet in the 1990s was never believe everything you read or see online, have a little bit of doubt or do my due diligence to research to make sure it’s factual. We’re coming around full circle that we’re going to have to second guess what is real and what is not online going forward.

📁 Category: Software

🏷 Tags: AI , Stable Diffusion , Internet